Covenant Classical School Blog

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Podcasts for Parents

Written by Amy Moseley | Apr 7, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Raise your hand if you’ve gotten into the newest fun hobby- podcast listening?! In case you don’t know, podcasts are a free audio service on the internet that you can download and listen to at your leisure. They run the gamut in topics and there’s one for every kind of taste. From cooking to parenting to mystery, it’s all there.  

I especially enjoy listening to podcasts while doing mindless chores around the house or playing taxi cab for my kids. Podcasts remind me of when our grandparents used to gather around their little wooden box radios listening to President Franklin Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats or other favorite radio programming. For me, podcasts carry a certain charm.  

As a mom of three, I find great value and encouragement in many podcasts by well known authors, therapists, and people who, in general, have really amazing advice on topics such as godly parenting, cooking, cleaning, finance, literature, and the list could go on. We are formed in part by what we expose ourselves to and podcasts can be a great resource in our spiritual formation. There are thousands of wonderful options out there, but here are my top 10:


  1. At Home with Sally-  Mom of 4, author, and speaker Sally Clarkson shares

inspiration, encouragement, and godly counsel to women and moms. She has become one of my mentors to godly mothering.2. Sorta Awesome with Meg Tietz- A lifestyle podcast for those who want to stay current. This one is really fun and upbeat, and also full of good tips.3. The Lazy Genius with Kendra Adachi- Her tagline is “Be a genius about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t.” Kendra is a mom of three who gives great cooking advice and walks you through naming what matters as most important in your life and filtering your life through that lens. Good stuff, people!!!4 .Raising Boys and Girls with Sarah Bragg, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Travanthan- Sarah Bragg serves as the host of the show and interviews pediatric therapists, Sissy, David, and Melissa as they discuss developmental stages of children and what is needed by them during those times. Super thought provoking and informative. Faith-based as well!5. Typology with Ian Morgan Cron- If you’re an Enneagram enthusiast as I am, you will enjoy this podcast. Ian is the author of The Road Back to You, an amazing book on the Enneagram as it pertains to followers of Christ. Do yourself a favor and put it on your reading list. In this podcast, Ian interviews a variety of influencers in the christian sector while discussing their lives in light of their number on the Enneagram.6. Fight Hustle, End Hurry with John Mark Comer and Jefferson Bethke- If you’re wrestling with the chaos and busyness this world tries to shove down your throat each day in the name of productivity and success, give this podcast a listen. Pastor John Mark Comer and author Jefferson Bethke discuss how hustle and hurry are sucking our spiritual lives dry and how to combat against it. Crazy good listen!7. That Sounds Fun with Annie Downs- Christian author and speaker Annie Downs hosts the show. She interviews a variety of popular folks in the Christian world, while also discussing topics such as books, food, music, and many other fun discussions.8. The Next Right Thing with Emily P. Freeman- Emily’s soothing voice helps you navigate through your decision fatigue while being true to yourself in the process.  This is one of the most peace-filled podcasts I’ve ever listened to!!!9. Chrystal Evans Hurst- You might recognize Chrystal as the daughter of Tony Evans and sister of Priscilla Shirer. Chrystal is fun, God loving, and encouraging as she both interviews inspiring women and shares in her own life journeys. She is funny, real, and you’ll want to go have coffee with her after listening. 10.  Liberty University- I did not attend Bible college, but I pretend I am now when I listen to this podcast!! Dr. Hindson of Liberty University has an Old Testament series I have been listening to and absolutely love. He is funny, easy to understand and makes the Bible come alive.  

Well folks, I hope you enjoy trying out this list and exploring other podcasts. Happy listening!!