Covenant Classical School Blog

Classical Parenting 101- Just a Shot Away: How to Shelter Your Children

Written by Lindsey Hartsell | Jun 9, 2022 1:49:23 PM

As we link arms with our Covenant families in the throws of raising children in a christian, classical environment, we want to be a resource to each of you on your journey. In this new series we will be sharing articles that our staff have found to be in alignment with the Classical Christian values of CCS. We hope these articles will touch you in some way, give new ideas, be entertaining or anecdotal, or just be food for thought as we navigate how to love and raise our kids in a new era of technology, worldly influences and mounting societal pressures. Our staff has stacked hands in support of our parents and would love for you to join us in this series throughout the summer. Please take a minute to read each installment and be blessed!

Just a Shot Away: How to Shelter Your Children by Joshua Gibbs

Parent: Do you know anything about movies?

Gibbs: Not much. How come?

Parent: Well, my son wants to see this new Batman movie and I don’t know how I feel about it.

Gibbs. How old is your son?

Parent: He’s fourteen. The movie is PG-13, and I often let him see films with that rating, but I’ve seen the trailer for this film, and it looks quite dark.

Gibbs: Agreed. It does look quite dark. What’s the debate in your mind?

Parent: I don’t want my son to gaze at dark things, especially dark seductive things. The film certainly has that look. Beautiful women, sleek cars, balletic violence. Besides, I’ve read some reviews of the film, and it looks to be that sort of bleak, nihilistic film made to inspire brooding despair and cynicism. My son goes to a classical school where he takes these apologetics classes and these logic classes, and he swears to me that he has a “Christian worldview” and so dark seductive films won’t get to him, but I just don’t believe it. The fact he wants to see the film means the film has gotten to him, don’t you think?

Gibbs: I do. It seems like you have very good reasons for not wanting your son to see the film. What’s the holdup?

Parent: Well, I don’t want to shelter him, you know?

Gibbs: You don’t want to shelter him?

Parent: Yes.

Gibbs: You’re legally obligated to shelter your son. If you don’t shelter him, CPS will come and take him away.  

Parent: Oh, not sheltering like that.

Gibbs: Sheltering like what, then?

Parent: I don’t mean sheltering his body.

Gibbs: Of course. You want to take care of him physically.

Parent: Yes.

Gibbs: You want to feed him three meals a day. You want to give him a safe, comfortable home to live in. You want to take him to the doctor when he is sick. Send him to school, keep him away from drugs and violence.

Continue reading HERE.