Covenant Classical School Blog

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Lindsey Hartsell

Recent Posts

Classical Parenting 101: Behold : Summer

Parents, our summer opportunity is not over.  Take a moment to read this heartfelt article by Sarah Menck.  Our CCS staff hope this article encourages you as we look towards the last of summer!

Classical Parenting 101: 5 Ways to Develop Healthy Imagination in Your Kids

Thank you for joining us in our Classical Parenting 101 Series! The heart of our CCS administration team is to support and encourage our parents and we have loved reading these articles for ourselves! We hope you will find a nugget of...

Classical Parenting 101: The Mighty Pen and Paper

Thank you for being here for another week of Classical Parenting 101!  With our days filled with "online everything", consider what this article might be saying to your heart. 

Classical Parenting 101: Resources

Our goal is to empower and inform our families with classical, Christian education knowledge and support.  Today we would like to tell you about a new resource that our Heads of School recommend: "The Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century...

Classical Parenting 101: Do You Like My Son or Not

Thank you for joining us in our Classical Parenting 101 Series! The heart of our CCS administration team is to support and encourage our parents and we have loved reading these articles for ourselves! We hope you will find a nugget of encouragement...

Classical Parenting 101- Get Lost

Join us for the second week of our Classical Parenting 101 Series! If you missed last week, you can read that article and the heart behind the series HERE.

Classical Parenting 101- Just a Shot Away: How to Shelter Your Children

As we link arms with our Covenant families in the throws of raising children in a christian, classical environment, we want to be a resource to each of you on your journey. In this new series we will be sharing articles that our staff have found to...

Kicking Off Our 2021 Cannan Annual Fund

With great excitement we are kicking off our Canaan Annual Fund for 2021-2022!  This year, our goal is to have 100% participation among our families and staff.  Together, we can achieve great things as we look forward to our future projects!

"Raising Sturdy Children": A Free Community Event Presented by Covenant Classical School

Please join our our CCS families on September 9th at 6:30pm at Covenant Classical School for a free community event featuring Mr. Keith McCurdy, MA., ED, S. President and CEO of Total Life Counseling, Inc. located in Roanoke, VA.