Covenant Classical School Blog

Sara Beth Jewell-College Prep, What High School Taught Me

Written by Sara Beth Jewell | Jun 25, 2019 11:00:00 AM

Parents and teachers in our community strive to equip Covenant Classical graduates for their future.  A question and answer style survey was sent out to reccent CCS graduates to hear what they think.

Did attending a Classical Christian school prepare them for college?  Specifically, did CCS prepare them?  What do they miss most about school at CCS?  What was the best thing  about their Classical Christian education? What were some things they took for granted living at home? Are they involved in church while at college? If they could go back, what would they change about their years at CCS?

What type (private, public, Christian, technical, in-state, out-of-state, etc.) and size of college do you attend? Give name of college.

I go to North Carolina State University, a large public university in Raleigh, NC.


How did your experience at CCS shape your decision to attend this school?

After attending CCS for K4-12, I was ready to step out of my comfort zone and join a larger community in a different city. I decided on NC State because I wanted to experience some of the things I missed out on going to a small, private school all my life.


What was the best thing (or one of the best things) about your Classical Christian education?

I loved all of the literature we got to read. I have read some of the same things at NC State that I did at Covenant Classical and it was nice to have previous knowledge on books and poems that some of my peers had never heard of before.

If you could advise high school students about the best summer activities to engage in before college, what would they be? A job, SAT/ACT prep, mission trip, internship, sports camp or something else?

On a more practical standpoint, I would say to get a job. It is so important to have money
saved up for your first year in college. Although most things on campus are “free,” it is really nice to have money set aside to do fun things off campus throughout the year with your friends, even just grabbing a cup of coffee, which in my first semester of freshman year I learned adds up very quickly.


Since being at college, have your interests changed? Do you like the same subjects you liked when you were at CCS? Why or why not?

My interest in subjects has definitely changed. I went into NC State as an English major and I am now an Accounting major. CCS is definitely strong in the Humanities, but my interest in the Math and Science programs were lacking for most of my time there. This led me to believe that I was only good in Liberal Arts subjects, but I’ve learned since being in college that I’m stronger in math subjects than I previously realized! 

Enjoy this post?  Read more of our College Prep series here!