Covenant Classical School Blog

5 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In A Classical Christian School

Written by Lori Gasparrini | Jan 29, 2019 12:00:00 PM

From the time our children were babies, my husband and I prayed for God’s guidance and wisdom in where they should attend school. We live in a world where there are many educational choices, but it was always our desire that the school we chose would mirror the values that we were teaching at home. With God’s guidance, we chose Covenant Classical School, a classical, Christian school, and have watched our children thrive. 

Below are 5 Reasons to Enroll Your Child in a Classical Christian School:

1.Biblical Worldview

Biblical Worldview outside of the home, children will spend the majority of their time in a school. Our desire has always been that our children spend the largest part of their time in an environment where the Christian ideals we taught at home were nurtured, and not ignored. As parents, we wanted a school where God’s word is known as truth and considered throughout the day. At Covenant Classical School in Concord, NC, the mission is to provide an education of excellence, biblically based and classically taught, that will lead students to know and love God, develop strong minds and character, and arise as leaders and agents of cultural change. Ultimately, we want our children to follow Christ, grow strong in their faith and be as equipped as possible to face an ever-changing world. 

2.Classical Education and Strong Academics

Classical education is based upon the “trivium” (or three paths).  Simply stated, the means of grammar- to read well, the means of logic-to think well, and the means of rhetoric-to speak or write well, are the goals for children as they mature developmentally and cognitively.  Put another way, students are taught how to make sense of what they learn, make connections, see implications, and then how to argue, debate, present, and communicate effectively both what they know and who they are.  

Classical schools give students an education that rises to meet a higher standard, and academic success has been characteristic of schools using the classical method. Students at Covenant Classical School score well above average in standardized achievement tests. More importantly, graduates are trained and prepared for collegiate success, and are well-equipped to make a contribution to the world. 


3.Integrated Subjects

Different subjects like math, science and history do not need to be learned in isolation from one another. Classical education allows teachers to incorporate different subjects in their lesson plans. For example, grammar school students may write a composition paper for their writing class on a topic they are learning in humanities, all while using their best handwriting skills. In middle and high school, students are able to have integrated History and English classes.  Most importantly, the Word of God is woven throughout each lesson in each grade.  

4.Small Class Sizes and Low Student-Teacher Ratio

Smaller class sizes allow for more relationship building between students and teachers. It allows for teachers to better meet a student’s academic needs, challenging them when they are excelling and providing extra assistance and resources when needed. It allows for greater student participation in a class, more one-on-one time with a teacher and fewer discipline problems in a classroom. Classes at Covenant Classical school do not exceed 20 students, and in the grammar school, students will have both teacher and a teacher’s aide. 

5. Community

It is important to consider activities outside of academics when considering a school. Are there leadership opportunities for older students? How about sports? Is there a way for parents to be involved? At CCS, our kids have had the opportunity to play middle and high school sports, be involved in student government, join clubs, and attend many social events. As parents, we have volunteered in the classroom, chaperoned countless field trips, been a part of the PTO, and made beautiful friendships. 
I am now the Admissions Coordinator of Covenant Classical School, and it has been many years since we walked our four-year-old into school on the first day of K4. Our oldest is now in high school at Covenant, is doing well academically, and is in the process of visiting colleges. (A whole different set of prayers!). We could not be happier with the Classical, Christian education that CCS has provided our family.