Founded in 1996 in Concord, North Carolina, Covenant Classical School met the desire of many parents to offer their children a style of education proven successful for centuries, and previously unavailable in the region.
Simply stated, the means of grammar—to read well, the means of logic—to think well, and the means of rhetoric—to speak or write well, are the goals for our children as they mature developmentally and cognitively in Christ.
The mission of Covenant Classical School is to provide an educational offering of academic excellence in kindergarten through twelfth grades and to work in partnership with parents to train the minds of our students, helping them to understand the world from a biblical perspective; equipping them with the leadership skills needed to affect their culture and world for Christ; and cultivating in them wisdom and virtue, using the classical model, so that in Christ, they are better able to know and enjoy God and His creation.
Covenant Classical School is an independent, co-educational day school dedicated to providing a Christian and classical liberal arts education to boys and girls in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Covenant Classical School
3200 Patrick Henry Dr.
Concord, NC 28027
Call Us: 704.792.1854
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