Covenant Classical is a Covenantal school. But what does that mean?

When researching prospective schools for their children, parents should know that there are two main approaches of Christian education: Covenantal and Missional. A Covenantal school aims to come alongside Christian parents in the education and discipleship of their children, who are part of the covenantal family of God. A Missional school focuses on evangelism and sees its purpose as bringing Christian education to all students regardless of a family’s faith.

In order to distinguish between these two approaches, a parent should check out the school’s Admissions process. Covenantal schools believe that parents and schools “covenant together” in the education and discipleship of children; therefore, parents at Covenantal schools are asked to give a credible confession of faith in Jesus Christ, be regular attendees of a local church, and sign a statement of faith. Missional schools make the Christian mission of the school clear but do not require parents to be Christians. The goal of both approaches is to provide a Biblically based education that results in genuine faith.  

In both Covenantal and Missional schools, it is important to note that every student is on his own faith journey. Neither approach is a guarantee that a student will put her faith and trust in Jesus. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that produces true faith in an individual. In Covenantal and Missional schools alike, students will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will gain knowledge of the tenets of the Christian faith. The difference is that a Covenantal school is open to Christian families, while a Missional school is open to all. When parents are considering a Christian school for their family, they should know which category it falls into. 

We at Covenant Classical School believe in the many benefits of a Covenantal approach to Christian education. We take seriously the Biblical call to Christian parents to raise their children as members of God’s covenantal family. Our school exists as both a learning community committed to excellence, and a faith community committed to Christ. Our mission is to instill in each student a love for truth, wisdom, discernment, and learning, founded on a growing personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe this mission is most fruitful in students’ lives when home, church, and school embrace the same Christian worldview. 

Wondering if Covenant Classical School is right for your child?