
Ninth Grade - Twelfth Grade

In the third phase of the Trivium, students focus on learning to express themselves with excellence. The knowledge which they have acquired in the grammar years and learned to analyze in the dialectic stage is now polished and presented in the rhetoric period. These later high school years are a time of learning to communicate and present knowledge in a manner in which students inspire their audiences toward truth, goodness, and beauty. 

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The culmination of the rhetoric student’s hard work is the Senior Thesis project – an opportunity to bring together skills in research, logic, writing, and oration as each student presents an argument to the school community and a panel of judges.

 "My oldest son graduated 2 years ago from CCS and is thriving in his second year of college at Lipscomb University. My younger son is now a junior at CCS and loves his US History and Philosophy/Apologetics classes the best though he would be quick to say that all the teachers and students as well as the House System are his favorite things about the school."
˜ Bethany Haycox, CCS Parent


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