What Is Classical Education?



An Introduction to Classical Education by Christopher A. Perrin, M.Div., Ph.D. HERE



* Link to "What is Classical Education," from the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) HERE.

*Link to "Parent U" HERE.

* Link to videos from the ACCS HERE

* "An Ancient Future Education", Davies Owens explains Classical Education in a creative compare/contrast format. Link HERE

* Podcasts- "Basecamp Live" https://basecamplive.com/

* Podcast- "Anchored"- published by the Classic Learning Test. https://www.cltexam.com/podcast 

* Live Sturdy- Keith McCurdy  livesturdy.com 

Classical Christian education is based on what has been called the “Trivium” or three paths. No matter how your child learns, he or she goes through three phases:

  • In grades K-6, students are excellent at memorizing.
  • In grades 7-8, students become more argument-oriented and are ready to be taught logic and critical thinking.
  • In grades 9-12, students continue to mature as independent thinkers and persuasive communicators. To this end, classical education teaches “rhetoric,” the art of speaking, communicating, and writing effectively.

Covenant Classical School integrates subjects like Bible, literature, history, language, art, math, and science. Students read the great works of Western literature and philosophy. Classical languages (Latin) help students understand and think with greater depth about the world around them. Formal logic and rhetoric help students become great leaders and communicators. Classical teaching methods range from class lectures, to debates, to Socratic (discussion-oriented) teaching. Independent learning skills are sharpened at all grade levels.

Academic success has been characteristic of schools using the classical method, and Covenant Classical School students score well above average in standardized achievement tests. Graduates are trained and prepared for collegiate success and are equipped to make a contribution to the world.


Why Classical?

There is no greater task for education than to teach students how to learn. The influence of “progressive” teaching methods and the oversimplification of textbooks make it difficult for students to acquire the mental discipline that traditional instruction methods once cultivated. The classical method develops independent learning skills on the foundation of language, logic, and tangible fact. The classical difference is clear when students are taken beyond subjects taught conventionally and asked to apply their knowledge through the classical method, which develops independent logic and clear expression.

Those who assume that methods used for millennia can be dismissed within a generation forget that time is the best laboratory, especially regarding human behavior. It has taken modern educators only 50 years to disassemble an educational system that took thousands of years to refine and establish.


A Love For Learning

We believe that learning, hard work, and fun are not mutually exclusive. Learning should be a joyful endeavor – one that presents a challenge.

Beyond subject matter, classical education develops those skills that are essential in higher education and throughout life – independent scholarship, critical thinking, logical analysis, and a love for learning. We hope you agree that this “back to and beyond” develops timeless skills that are as important in today’s rapidly changing world as they were to our founding fathers.

A visit to Covenant Classical School quickly demonstrates the delight of students who love to learn. Learning is exciting, especially for children. In our experience, children who transfer from a conventional classroom to a classical classroom usually develop an increased appreciation for education and for the pursuit of knowledge. Click Here to Schedule Your Tour!


Check out the link below for the Association of Classical Christian School's Newsletter and learn more about Classical Education!

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