Seeking to Advance His Kingdom
Each student at Covenant Classical School benefits from the vision and generosity of dedicated parents and supporters. Covenant Classical is an independent school and therefore does not receive public funding and relies on the financial support of parents, faculty and friends to enhance its curriculum and facilities. To do this, we ask our families to participate in a way that is fitting for them in the following ways:
The Canaan Annual Fund Initiative
The Canaan Annual Fund campaign is a fundraising initiative that supports all aspects of our mission. It is our most important source of revenue other than student tuition as it contributes to every part of the school’s operation, including academic programming, the arts, drama, athletics, technology, student life, and physical plant.
The Canaan Annual Fund campaign covers the school’s fiscal year, from July 1 to June 30, and gifts are tax-deductible.
Covenant Classical School
3200 Patrick Henry Dr.
Concord, NC 28027
Call Us: 704.792.1854
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