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The ABC’s of Summer Activities for your Older Child

Posted by Terry Cross on Jun 4, 2019 7:00:00 AM

 Here is a booklet you can print (with space in between each letter and its corresponding activity).  It is a self-paced guide for keeping your adolescent productive over the summer. Good for ages 9 and up, boy or girl.  (Tell them it can be done in any order.)

A   Arrange clothes in drawers neatly, removing any un-wearables.


B   Brush up on math skills:  

times tables, measurements, or do a math page in a workbook.

C   Cook dinner with Mom or Dad.


D   Do something secret for someone.

 Record it upside down here.

E   Exercise:  

20 minutes of any activity.  Record it play games outside during summer

F   Friends are great!  

Invite one over.

G  Games.  

Write down all the games in your home.  Play every single one.

H   Help someone.  

Write down what you did.

I   Investigate:

 check out a science related book and do an experiment.

J   Junk drawer madness.  

You know what to do.

K   Keep a list of movies you watch over the summer.

 dream and investigate in the summer

L   Love your neighbor.  

Commit to pray for a specific neighbor.

M   Memorize the following Scriptures:

 1 John 3:1, Hebrews 12:1, 1 Timothy 4:12

N   New things are a delight.

 Buy something new for a missionary.

O   Operate a variety of appliances (vacuum, blender, iron, etc).  List:


P   Print something you’ve typed.


Q   Quit complaining that you’re bored.

 Smiling boy reading a book in the kitchen

R   Read, of course!  

Three books over the summer.  Try reading one about a different country or culture.  Maybe make one a biography or non-fiction.

S   Sit and daydream for ½ hour.


T   Tithe your allowance and summer earnings.  

Record weekly.

U   Use the computer to improve typing.  

Use an online course (with permission).tech free alternatives for summer

V   Visit a museum.


W   Write a grandparent.

 Record the dates.

X   e-Xamine yourself.  

Write down 5 strengths and 3 weaknesses. Then write the Lord a letter thanking him for the strengths and asking him to use them for his glory.  Also see if he has instructions for your eliminating or reducing weaknesses.

Y   Yard work.  

Oh yeah, pull up some of dem weeds!

Z  Z words are lonely.

They are rarely used. Look in the dictionary and write down 20 Z words and their definitions.

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Topics: Parenting, Family Fun, Leisure