Covenant Classical School Blog

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Worldview 101: Essential Family Discussions

Picture if you will a middle school humanities classroom abounding with tireless energy, specialized humor, and, of course, ubiquitous questioning. When I began teaching the concept of worldviews, I soon realized that my students were just not...

Starting the Year With a Prayer Walk

Like the days of Nehemiah, we must rebuild the walls of schools. Every year we end school a bit broken down: kids stream out and leave piles of broken pencils, notebooks, and binders; textbooks are worn out; carpets are dirty; teachers are,...

The Lasting Impact of Encouraging Words

Often the simple things can have the biggest impact on our kids, especially timely words of encouragement. 

3 Common Questions About Spiritual Gifts

It’s Christmas time...the most wonderful time of the year! During this time I love nothing more than to give gifts to the ones I love.I put so much time and energy into selecting just the right gift for each I just know they will love...

Advent: Could One Word Change Your Christmas Tradition?

For my family, what began as tradition was defined and transformed by one Latin word.

My firstborn was in sixth grade when the word entered our home and renewed our Christmas celebration.When my children were little, we desired for their childhood...

Teaching Our Children How To Be In The World And Not Of It

If you’ve been in church for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “in the world, but not of it”. It comes from John 17:14-15 when Jesus, giving his final teaching to his disciples before going to the cross, paints a picture of what...