Covenant Classical School Blog

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Jane Dearing

Recent Posts

Returning to Normalcy

“On the campaign trail in May 1920, Warren G. Harding preached forth the political philosophy that carried the United States into the next decade. ‘America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but...

Winter Has Passed: A Tribute to Dave Cook

As I consider past events, January 27, 2017, has become a remarkable date. In the midst of new leadership and a burgeoning building project, a literal GIFT walked through the doors of Covenant Classical School. Little did I realize the impact and...

A Perspective on Classical Education

Several years ago, I attended a writing lesson with a clear objective. The teacher instructed students to create a descriptive draft based on careful observation. Initially, he projected an image on the screen and told us to burn the picture into...

Five Characteristics of Highly Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences

Each year schools all over the nation provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet together at the completion of the first quarter. In order for these quarterly meetings to be well-attended, insightful, and productive for parents and...

Worldview 101: Essential Family Discussions

Picture if you will a middle school humanities classroom abounding with tireless energy, specialized humor, and, of course, ubiquitous questioning. When I began teaching the concept of worldviews, I soon realized that my students were just not...