Covenant Classical School Blog

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College Prep, What High School Taught Me

Parents and teachers in our community strive to equip Covenant Classical graduates for their future.  A question and answer style survey was sent out to reccent CCS graduates to hear what they think.

Equals, Not Clones: Insight on College Admissions

The 100-meter dash runners make their final preparations before the gunshot. Silently they take their places, muscles tense, minds alert. The gun fires. The racers leap out of their blocks. The race is over in less than 15 seconds, and the winner of...

Choosing the Right School for Your Child

Choosing the best school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. There are so many factors to consider: public vs. private, class room size, homework, uniforms, Christian vs. secular, and on and on. In this...

Steering Your Teen Towards a Meaningful Summer

Advertisements are already appearing for summer camps, programs, and activities. While college-bound teens should be carefully planning to look good on those college applications, they still need to do more than pad their transcript. Is there a way...

5 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In A Classical Christian School

From the time our children were babies, my husband and I prayed for God’s guidance and wisdom in where they should attend school. We live in a world where there are many educational choices, but it was always our desire that the school we chose...


What do you want your children to be when they grow up?  Or perhaps a better question is how do you want them to be? Responsible? Compassionate? Others-centered? Noble attributes indeed. So, how does a parent steer an unruly, selfish little human...

The Importance of Teaching Myths

In our culture, myths are not looked upon as necessary or valuable--in fact, they are often equated with lies. Many Christians would argue that we ought not spend time learning stories about pagan gods and goddesses, fearful that it would be...

The Irony of Christmas

My class had an interesting conversation one December. We were looking at irony in the Christmas story. The discussion unfolded (Socratically, of course—after all, we’re a classical school!) something like this: “What were the Israelites expecting...

How to Properly Wear a Backpack

 Are you concerned that your child's backpack is too heavy?  Heavy backpacks can be a significant physical and structural health problem for your children.....

Teaching Our Children How To Be In The World And Not Of It

If you’ve been in church for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “in the world, but not of it”. It comes from John 17:14-15 when Jesus, giving his final teaching to his disciples before going to the cross, paints a picture of what...