Covenant Classical School Blog

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Perserving Tradition and Cultivating Community

The Value and Purpose of the House System at CCS

The CCS House System, a traditional feature of schools in England where students are divided into subgroups, was proposed by Bethany Haycox in the fall of 2013 and instituted by the CCS Administration...

When God Chooses Our Children's Teachers

Nightly my nine-year-old daughter prayed, “Please help me get Mrs. Russell next year as my teacher.” The closer we got to the school year, the more fervent her prayer. Mrs. Russell was a super popular fourth-grade teacher at our local elementary...

A Perfect Trifecta:Teaching the Trivium

trĭvĭum , i, n. 

Literal definition: a place where three roads meet, a fork in the roads, cross-road

Idiomatic definition: a public square, the public street, highway.

Those steeped in the jargon of classical education can poll-parrot Dorothy...

Learning Comes Alive - How Teachers Help Kids Love History

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers." If you heard Henry V give this rousing speech prior to the Battle of Agincourt in Shakespeare's play, you would be impressed. If you heard a band of 3rd graders, dressed in medieval regalia, reciting it...

Starting the Year With a Prayer Walk

Like the days of Nehemiah, we must rebuild the walls of schools. Every year we end school a bit broken down: kids stream out and leave piles of broken pencils, notebooks, and binders; textbooks are worn out; carpets are dirty; teachers are,...

The Reading Life of an Accidental English Teacher  {and embedded book titles to add to your reading list!}

“I've come to realize that however blue my circumstances, if after finishing a chapter of a Dickens novel I feel a miss-my-stop-on-the-train sort of compulsion to read on, then everything is probably going to be just fine.” {Towles, Rules of...

The Lasting Impact of Encouraging Words

Often the simple things can have the biggest impact on our kids, especially timely words of encouragement. 


When it comes to leadership, many students can be lulled into believing one’s training can wait. With college degree in hand, simply head to the local book store, purchase one of the many leadership books crowding the stores shelves and presto!...

Making the Grade- But Whose Grade is It?

Have you ever felt tied to your child’s school performance? Does your stomach sink or blood pressure rise when you see a low grade? I wonder, how does a parent’s identity get so caught up in their child’s grade? Grades are simply tools for...

College Prep, What High School Taught Me

Parents and teachers in our community strive to equip Covenant Classical graduates for their future.  A question and answer style survey was sent out to reccent CCS graduates to hear what they think.