Covenant Classical School Blog

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CCS Welcomes New Head of School

In May of 2021 we welcomed our own Sarah Arensman to the position of Head of School. Working alongside the new Head of School, we are blessed to have Dawn Russell continue as our Assistant Head of School. We believe this administrative selection...

5 Tips for Engaging Introverts in the Classroom

Most people understand the basic difference between introverts and extroverts. Extroverts tend to be outwardly focused and are energized being around large groups of people, while introverts tend to be inwardly focused and gain energy being alone.

5 Ways to Calm Children's Fears Around the Coronavirus

Anxiety seems to be part of this world, and it is especially high as the coronavirus spreads across our country. Children are particularly vulnerable during times of uncertainty because they have less control than adults. With schedules interrupted...

Laziness .v. Leisure

Why are so many Americans burned out and exhausted? We live in America, the land of opportunity. Our great country was founded on strong work ethic, but somewhere along the way we as a society have forgotten what rest looks like and how to do it...

P.E. and the Trivium

God knows our bodies intimately. He knows how they were knit together and He made them well, after His own image. He made them for work and for love. Taking care of our bodies is our privilege. Learning how to move and perform complex motor...

History, Passion, Vision: Our New Leadership

CCS welcomes a new leadership team in the 2019-2020 school year. We are excited to have Laurie Thigpen as our new Head of School and Dawn Russell as Assistant Head of School. They took the time this summer to answer a few questions, so that new and...

Covenant Classical School Welcomes New Leadership Team

At the close of the wonderful 2018-2019 school year, in which Covenant Classical School celebrated the opening of the spacious new addition to the building and enjoyed a significant growth of the student body, our community said farewell to our...

Perserving Tradition and Cultivating Community

The Value and Purpose of the House System at CCS

The CCS House System, a traditional feature of schools in England where students are divided into subgroups, was proposed by Bethany Haycox in the fall of 2013 and instituted by the CCS Administration...