Covenant Classical School Blog

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A Perspective on Classical Education

Several years ago, I attended a writing lesson with a clear objective. The teacher instructed students to create a descriptive draft based on careful observation. Initially, he projected an image on the screen and told us to burn the picture into...

P.E. and the Trivium

God knows our bodies intimately. He knows how they were knit together and He made them well, after His own image. He made them for work and for love. Taking care of our bodies is our privilege. Learning how to move and perform complex motor...

Five Characteristics of Highly Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences

Each year schools all over the nation provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet together at the completion of the first quarter. In order for these quarterly meetings to be well-attended, insightful, and productive for parents and...

How to Help Your Young Child with Classroom Conflict

Two five-year-olds were happily collaborating during Art class when suddenly one raised her hand. The teacher called on her. The little one’s face crumpled, and she tearfully said, “She’s being mean to me.” Wait. What? They were playing together...

History, Passion, Vision: Our New Leadership

CCS welcomes a new leadership team in the 2019-2020 school year. We are excited to have Laurie Thigpen as our new Head of School and Dawn Russell as Assistant Head of School. They took the time this summer to answer a few questions, so that new and...

Covenant Classical School Welcomes New Leadership Team

At the close of the wonderful 2018-2019 school year, in which Covenant Classical School celebrated the opening of the spacious new addition to the building and enjoyed a significant growth of the student body, our community said farewell to our...

Worldview 101: Essential Family Discussions

Picture if you will a middle school humanities classroom abounding with tireless energy, specialized humor, and, of course, ubiquitous questioning. When I began teaching the concept of worldviews, I soon realized that my students were just not...

Perserving Tradition and Cultivating Community

The Value and Purpose of the House System at CCS

The CCS House System, a traditional feature of schools in England where students are divided into subgroups, was proposed by Bethany Haycox in the fall of 2013 and instituted by the CCS Administration...

When God Chooses Our Children's Teachers

Nightly my nine-year-old daughter prayed, “Please help me get Mrs. Russell next year as my teacher.” The closer we got to the school year, the more fervent her prayer. Mrs. Russell was a super popular fourth-grade teacher at our local elementary...

A Perfect Trifecta:Teaching the Trivium

trĭvĭum , i, n. 

Literal definition: a place where three roads meet, a fork in the roads, cross-road

Idiomatic definition: a public square, the public street, highway.

Those steeped in the jargon of classical education can poll-parrot Dorothy...