Covenant Classical School Blog

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A Perfect Trifecta:Teaching the Trivium

trĭvĭum , i, n. 

Literal definition: a place where three roads meet, a fork in the roads, cross-road

Idiomatic definition: a public square, the public street, highway.

Those steeped in the jargon of classical education can poll-parrot Dorothy...

Starting the Year With a Prayer Walk

Like the days of Nehemiah, we must rebuild the walls of schools. Every year we end school a bit broken down: kids stream out and leave piles of broken pencils, notebooks, and binders; textbooks are worn out; carpets are dirty; teachers are,...

5 Tips for Communication with Teenagers

Teenagers can often seem like another species. “Where did my sweet little 11-year-old go?” moans many a parent. But if Mom and Dad can remember that teens are in a rapid period of growth, where things are changing quicker than they can keep up with,...

The ABC’s of Summer Activities for your Older Child

Here is a booklet you can print (with space in between each letter and its corresponding activity). It is a self-paced guide for keeping your adolescent productive over the summer. Good for ages 9 and up, boy or girl. (Tell them it can be done in...

The Lasting Impact of Encouraging Words

Often the simple things can have the biggest impact on our kids, especially timely words of encouragement. 

Making the Grade- But Whose Grade is It?

Have you ever felt tied to your child’s school performance? Does your stomach sink or blood pressure rise when you see a low grade? I wonder, how does a parent’s identity get so caught up in their child’s grade? Grades are simply tools for...

When a Grandparent Has Alzheimer's or Dementia: Books to Educate and Keep Kids Connected to Their Loved Ones

Alzheimer’s or dementia affects most families at some point. When a loved one begins acting strangely and forgetting more than names, it’s tempting to simply not talk about it. But children and teenagers notice things, and they have their own...

How to be a Great Long Distance Grandparent

Are you a long distant grandparent?Here are a few tips to stay involved. 

We embrace social media to engage with our grandchildren. 

It is great to talk on the phone, but why not use FaceTime so you can see each other’s expressions? Seeing their...

Starting a Booster Club for Your School? Consider These 3 Issues First

Adding an athletic booster club to your school is a great way for parents and other fans of the school to elevate all of the school's athletic programs. Here are three essential issues to consider if your school is interested in creating a booster...

Letters from Mom—Sending Your Child Off to College with a Piece of Home

“Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I come sit in the rocker in your room and watch you in your crib. Your mouth is a puckered rosebud and your breath slips in and out, unseen. I hear it, though, even just standing at the door I can hear you breathe. It...