Covenant Classical School Blog

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Five Important Questions to Consider When Choosing a Kindergarten

Choosing a great Kindergarten program for your child is daunting but not impossible! Parents want a safe and loving environment for their child where values that have been taught at home are reinforced. Parents also want their child to be...

S.T.E.M. : A Science Teacher's Perspective (part 2)

Rather than focusing on one academic area of interest, a classically educated student is educated as a whole. They are taught to respect and nurture their physical and spiritual bodies, to explore and understand the wonder of the natural world God...

A Perspective on Classical Education

Several years ago, I attended a writing lesson with a clear objective. The teacher instructed students to create a descriptive draft based on careful observation. Initially, he projected an image on the screen and told us to burn the picture into...

Do Boys Still Read?

As a school librarian, I am often asked whether boys are still reading? With so many pastime options such as video games, ipads, and the like, it often seems as if boys are too distracted to sit down and read a good book. Well, there is great news!

Waiting on the Lord in Patient Trust

I’m convinced the Lord gave me the privilege of being a parent so that I could observe ridiculous, immature behavior and then have to admit that I might as well be looking in a mirror. Take, for instance, dinner time.

P.E. and the Trivium

God knows our bodies intimately. He knows how they were knit together and He made them well, after His own image. He made them for work and for love. Taking care of our bodies is our privilege. Learning how to move and perform complex motor...

Five Characteristics of Highly Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences

Each year schools all over the nation provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet together at the completion of the first quarter. In order for these quarterly meetings to be well-attended, insightful, and productive for parents and...

History, Passion, Vision: Our New Leadership

CCS welcomes a new leadership team in the 2019-2020 school year. We are excited to have Laurie Thigpen as our new Head of School and Dawn Russell as Assistant Head of School. They took the time this summer to answer a few questions, so that new and...

Schedules, Systems, and Rhythms

Why does it feel like some people are more productive in a day? Why don’t we have enough time to get it all done? We have the same 24 hours in a day, so that must mean we can organize our days wiser, right? Now that our kids are getting back into a...

Blessing Your Teacher

Eleven years ago, I walked into Covenant Classical School as the new teacher on the block. I walked into an established culture with established friendships and rules/traditions that I knew nothing about as the new teacher. I had been out of the...